Trend setter (Friday Fictioneers)


Image by Marie Gail Stratford at

My son wanted a fire truck for his second birthday. My mother bought him a ‘Bedroom Colour Consult’ with Xavier (no last name).

His team spilled into my son’s room.

‘I’ve always liked chevrons…’ I offered.

Xavier scoffed. ‘Oh, Darling! Chevrons are sooooo 2008.’

Xavier’s assistant looked at his mobile phone and squealed with delight. ‘They revealed Prince George’s new nursery design!’

Xavier snatched the phone off him.

His jaw dropped.

‘Team! Change of plans. Bed goes there, get me one of those mirrored chandeliers and Dominic-‘


‘We’re gonna need a LOT of chevrons.’


Friday Fictioneers is a challenge set by Rochelle each week where writers from around the world post 100 word stories based on a common photo prompt. For more information, and to read other stories, visit Rochelle’s page here.


Filed under Friday Fictioneers

35 responses to “Trend setter (Friday Fictioneers)

  1. Dear Jessie,

    This is simply a delightful story. You painted a clear picture of Xavier in a few words. I’m sure the two-year-old would still rather have a firetruck. Well done.



  2. micklively

    A fool and his money are easily parted: fashion is the mechanism.

  3. gahlearner

    LOL, I love every detail of this. At least there will be chevrons now, so the room won’t be a total loss.

  4. I feel I may have met Xavier. You painted him well.

  5. Caerlynn Nash

    Whew! You scared me there for a second. I thought my mouse was sorely behind the times! 🙂 Cute story. Love it!

  6. This story is as vivid as the chevrons it describes. Nicely done!

  7. Good to put the trend setters in their place. That Xavier!

  8. ha ha. Nice one. The obsession with the royal family is incredible.

  9. Also big apologies to the writer whose comment I just accidentally marked as spam! ! I can’t seem to get it back. Does anyone know how to do this?

  10. I have to say that even a firetruck might have been the best one.. Could one have a firetruck with chevrons?

  11. Wow, Jessie – in awe of your creative thinking and Xavier’s character is beautifully shown.

  12. My daughter-in-law had a firetruck with a fireman names “my grandson’s name” and I thought it was hoot! When they sold their house, a family bought it that had a son with the same name as the fireman! Good job! Nan

  13. cool…you’ve sketched Xavier so well…a cute story…

  14. Firetrucks are sooo 2009.

  15. That kid is going to be scarred for life 🙂

  16. Engaging characters and dialogue. Lots of fun.

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