Monthly Archives: March 2017

Shiny and new (Friday Fictioneers)


Image by Jennifer Pendergast

‘What’s at this stupid park, anyway?’

Jay was quiet and moody but Eloise continued to push the point.

‘We could have been in New York by now! And I’m starrrrrrrrving.’

She complained getting out of the car. And for the entire walk up the hill. She kept complaining even when they’d arrived at the massive rusted structure.

Jay pulled a black and white photo from his pocket and she finally fell silent. In the picture the clock sculpture was shiny and new. And grinning proudly by its side was a tall man with dark hair, who was unmistakably Jay’s father.


What books were loved by your 3 year old? See my recent post (and previous year’s versions) where I list my son’s ten favourite books.

Friday Fictioneers is a challenge set by Rochelle each week where writers from around the world post 100 word stories based on a common photo prompt. For more information, and to read other stories, visit Rochelle’s page here.


Filed under Friday Fictioneers, Uncategorized