Monthly Archives: August 2016

1,324 (Friday Fictioneers)

One thousand, three hundred and twenty-four days have passed since Maggie last went out in the boat.

Every day she comes down and sits silently in the grounded boat, now mossy and falling apart. Sometimes she cries.

One thousand, three hundred and twenty-four days ago her husband died. Oh, how they’d laughed and spent many a wonderful afternoon floating around in that little wooden boat.

Maggie watches Jim and Florence nearby, pushing their boat into the water. They’re arguing about where the ropes should go. Jim raises his voice, Florence rolls her eyes. They don’t realise how lucky they are.


Friday Fictioneers is a challenge set by Rochelle each week where writers from around the world post 100 word stories based on a common photo prompt. For more information, and to read other stories, visit Rochelle’s page here.


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