The way you squint your eyes (Friday Fictioneers)

Everyone says I look like her. You have your mother’s hair. I get sick of hearing it. Sure, there are photos. But they’re not the same. It’s the faces you pull. The face I only ever get to see in a mirror. The face that looks like the face I’ll never get to see. It’s the way your lips twitch. It’s the way you squint your eyes. It’s the way you play with your chin when you’re upset.

There’s only one person who deserves to tell me we’re alike. But she died when my memories were just beginning to form.


Speaking of mirrors – check out the eBook on Amazon called ‘Mirrors: The Writing Workshop Anthology’ (you’ll see some familiar Friday Fictioneers authors in there)

In July this year I began my 100 book challenge, where I plan to read 100 classics in my lifetime.

See my recent reviews of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and Brave New World and let me know what you think!

Friday Fictioneers is a challenge set by Rochelle Fields where writers around the world create 100 word stories inspired by the one image. For more information see:


Filed under Friday Fictioneers

44 responses to “The way you squint your eyes (Friday Fictioneers)

  1. What a heart wrenching piece, wonderfully written.

  2. Dear Jessie,

    Your story sent an ache straight to my heart. Beautifully written.



  3. There are ways in which I resemble my mother as well. I suppose we all do.

  4. Lovely story Jessie. Very well done.

  5. Great job, Jess. Wonderful!

    You know, the style reminds me of the American poet-author Carl Sandberg and a poem he wrote that I never forgot. I’d like to share it with you.

    This face you got,
    This here phizzog you carry around,
    You never picked it out for yourself
    at all, at all—-did you?
    This here phizzog—-somebody handed it
    to you–am I right?
    Somebody said, “Here’s yours, now go see
    what you can do with it.”
    Somebody slipped it to you and it was like
    a package marked:
    “No goods exchanged after being taken away”—-
    This face you got.

  6. A poignant, piercing story that I will not soon forget. Well done.



  7. So heartbreaking, a wonderful piece of work.

  8. Wonderfully evocative. It’s hard resenting aspects of what you love… or loved.

  9. Beautiful, heart-rending story, Jessie. Now all I can hear is Fred Astaire doing “They Can’t Take That Away From Me.” 🙂


  10. Aw, this is so sweet and heartbreaking at the same time. Good job 🙂

  11. shanx

    A heart wrenching story. Good one!

  12. This is strikingly good. Wonderful surprise ending.

  13. Very sad, it must be hard to be constantly likened to someone you never really got to know.

  14. This story has the twist in the perfect place, and all of the sudden I do understand what’s the real reason for the denial.. a perfect story.

  15. Jessie, This is a story that we feel in our hearts. We especially feel it when we see our mothers in the mirror more and more as we grow older and in our daughters as they grow up. Well written. 🙂 —Susan

  16. That last line really makes it poignant. It would be hard to grow up feeling like you’re missing your other half.

  17. Really sad story. Certainly worth telling.

  18. quite a sad story, but nice take on the prompt.

  19. Wow, sad story and I know what she’s talking about. My grandmother died before I was born, but my son has always been told by relatives that he was the spitting image of Maude Allen Carter from Elkins, Arkansas. He has the red hair to match (exactly) a locket of her hair that was saved for years in a trunk. Nan 🙂

  20. Having lost my father when I was ten, I can really relate to this one, Jessie. Very well done.

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